2025 Community Citizen of the Year Award Recipients

Take a look at our 2025 recipients

See photos of the recipients here.
Names and photos are published once they are announced and submitted.

Council Citizen Young Senior Group/Event
Albany Jennifer McRae Felicity Ericsson Steve Marshall Two Rivers Garden Group
Armadale Samantha Saffioti Dexter Moyo Nalin Jayawardena,
Angi McCluskey
Kelmscott Agricultural Society,
Wednesday Warriors
Ashburton D'Arcy Pickering,
Tapapa Lewis,
Hayley Norris,
Kylie Spencer
Jaimie Bravington Fortescue National Football League,
The Pilbara Bruthas,
Pannawonica Pythons Football Club,
Onslow Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Group
Bayswater Kara Perrin,
Alison Scott
Rodrigues Niyongere Greg Elliott Maylands Historical and Peninsula Association Inc
Boddington Graeme Reynolds
Bridgetown-Greenbushes Lisa Pratico Matilda Miller Didith Atkin Bridgetown Greenbushes Tourism Association
Broome Bernadette Egan Ash Schaffer,
Ash Schaffer
Di Vomiero
Busselton Sarah Barclay Drew West Robert Guelfi Go Blue For June Campaign
Canning Linda Ross Bryzlyn Sin Monika Wong Rossmoyne Riverton Shelley Community Sewing (for Charity)
Carnamah Sandie Wallace
Carnarvon Amosa Sipili Lachlan Ellis Dennis Wade Carnarvon Old Bastards
Chittering Shelley Walter Peter Louden Celebrating 25 years of the Chittering Landcare Centre
Cockburn Maureen Fisher-Sim Atlas Pillinger Lucia Scata Treeby Community Association
Coorow Hannah Smyth Kevin Scarr
Cottesloe John Robertson Don Howe Cottesloe Surf Lifesaving Club
Cue Naydene Robinson,
Michelle Lowen
Cunderdin Courtney Thomson
Dandaragan Judy Carter
Dardanup Brendan Putt Tyler Brown Kaye Holmes Shire of Dardanup Youth Advisory Group
Derby/West Kimberley Kierin Thompson Lionel Marr Fred Russ CWA Derby/West Kimberley Air Branch
Donnybrook-Balingup Garry Davis Khloe Watson Damien Cameron Balingup Medieval Carnivale
Dundas Doreen Peckham
Esperance Lyne Kidd Rod Taylor The Esperance Fundraising Group
Exmouth Kylie Showman Hugo Lengele Sharon Lister Exmouth Community Garden
Gingin Sue Hicks Dylan Bak Tom Cabassi Lower Coastal Community Association (LCCA Bus Group)
Gosnells Rodney Glossop Emily Dutton Allen Holloway Sam's Spares
Greater Geraldton Celeste Larkins Tempany Rehu Anne Dixon Binmaga Dance Group,
Just Raptors
Harvey Dean Mullins,
Kathryn Bufton,
Glenys Chambers,
Michael Papalia
Josephine Marston Holly Nutley Yarloop Country Women’s Association,
The Leschenault Men’s Shed
Irwin Trish Parker Cassandra Baxter Margaret Rossiter Dongara Denison Surf Life Saving Club - Surf Patrols
Joondalup Christina Papafilis Aimee Wright Roger Howell Dolphin Program - Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club
Kalamunda Wayne Garwood Leo Russel Thomas Hogg
Karratha Carl Wangemann Fern Van Beek Dereka Van Beek The Northwest Multicultural Forum and Festival 2024
Katanning Joel Anyon,
Katherine Anderson
Paul Bradley Australian National Shearing & Wool Handling Sport Shear Katanning
Kellerberrin Chris Turich Paige Tiller Richard Marek,
Doreen Dowding
100 years of Harness Racing in Kellerberrin
Kulin Derek Young,
Yvonne Bowey
Lake Grace Walter (Wally) Newman,
Annette Argent
Latisha McGlinn Christopher Harvey Newdegate Machinery Field Days,
Lake Grace Reconnect
Mandurah Chris Stickland Brooke McIntosh Sue Edge Zonta Club of Peel
Manjimup Luke Carr Nicholas Vince Jenny Macdonald Northcliffe 100th Anniversary Celebration
Melville Emma Charlton Mike Nichol Melville Youth Steering Group
Merredin Daina Sutherland Tom Downsborough Julie Townrow Burracoppin Daffodil Day Committee
Moora Brendan Pratt Adeline Chapman David Brown Watheroo Primary School Closure Event
Morawa Mia Andrews John Lloyd Morawa Tigers Sports Club Ladies Day
Mosman Park Brooke Sumner Anne Pickard The Mighty Camelot Community Choir
Murray Tanya Langford Mervyn Williams Murray Toy Library
Narembeen Sheree Thomas Joan Cusack Bin to Bin Marathon (Hurt to Help)
Narrogin Vicki Chadwick Mia Ewen Colin Ward Divine You
Nedlands Scott Bailey Anaia Kakulas Janet Millar Melon Hill Bushland Group
Northam Jessica Joy Zoe Blurton Brenton Haynes Northam Town Team
Perenjori Tara Bradford St John Ambulance Perenjori
Perth Joe Tuazama Zoe Cornelius Sandra Cornell Volunteer Coordinators - Read Write Now
Plantagenet Deb Smith Maggie Shanklin Karlup Animal Sanctuary
Port Hedland Jacinta Behrend Betty Steer Janet Stewart Hedland Bushfire Brigade
Ravensthorpe Christopher Biddulph Gabby Tempero Beatrice Boyd Munglinup Community Group
Rockingham Stephenie Fielding Mia Hendy Gordon Murdoch Cycling Without Age Rockingham
Serpentine Jarrahdale Bruce Hilliard Casey Nikola Margaret Ward SJ Farmers Market
South Perth Maryann Tsai Dillon Monteiro Linda Deutsch Southcare Inc
Stirling Carol Marinkovich Peyton Maguire Douglas Simpson Friends of Inglewood Triangle
Swan Loren Pratt Katie Williams Roma (Middle name is 'Penny') Winmar,
Sophie Jakotic
Midland Meals
Three Springs Kylie Yeo Angela Addison Susan Sinfield Three Springs MEEDAC,
A Meal For U
Toodyay Kylie Burton Zoe Harrington John Pearce Toodyay Raceclub Inc
Wagin Kath Powell Peter & Cindy Oldfield Wagin's Bush Fire Brigades
Waroona Michael Simpson Robyn Sutton Waroona Historical Society & Museum,
York Monique Hutchinson Helen Grainger Healthy Self Wellness York

Principal Partner

Government of Western Australia Department of Communities

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Proudly presented in partnership with Local Councils across Western Australia

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Assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council

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