2022 Community Citizen of the Year Award Recipients

Take a look at some of our 2022 recipients

As we receive photos of our recipients, they will be uploaded to the photo Gallery here. Please check for updates.

AlbanyAmali Nizam WoodIrene Montefiore Nicole LinkAlbany & Regional Volunteer Service
ArmadaleNicole Spurrier James Sharp & Rosanna Leo Robert Turner Wildflower Society of WA - Armadale Branch
OnslowRhian Hathaway Max Stewart Renae Coates St John WA Onslow
PannawonicaHayley Norris
Tom PriceTe Wairua Taua Jenny Ryle Tom Price Emergency Services Cadet Corps
BayswaterZoe Kerbey Parvathi Rajan Vaughn McGuire Local Arts and Community Events Inc (L.A.C.E.)
Boddington Kele Redhead & Beau Readhead Heather Stevens Gabe Roberts Boddington Arts Council - Field of Quilts
Bridgetown-GreenbushesAlicia Gluck Eric Wheatley Michael Fletcher Bridgetown Friendship Club
BroomeAnnabella Thompson Chris Mitchell Jude Millard
BusseltonKenneth Williams Jon Eddy Busselton POOPS (Pets of Older People)
DunsboroughRalph Upton Jacquie Happ
CanningLeonard Robinson Karen O'Connor Bentley/St.James/Wilson People Helping People
CarnarvonBen Robins Brenden Law-Davis
ChitteringNita Hart Dennis Badcock Wannamal Community Centre
CockburnJackson Bormann-Potter Richard Pradella Matt Wilson & Maggie Zentner Cockburn Masters Swimming Club
CoorowPeter Hilfers Bruce Jack & Judy Wallace Coorow Heritage Group & Green Head Community Association
CorriginAlexis Wright Caron Green Corrigin Agricultural Society
CottesloeEva Czislowski Graeme Johnson Maureen Davy Waves of Change, History of Cottesloe Beach
CueLori McMeeken & Mary Radovanovic Peter Lacy
CunderdinCunderin Youth Council Florence Gibsone Christine Fulwood CMT Seniors Committee
DalwallinuThomas Davis Joy Wornes
DandaraganBrock Kilmurray Jade Stoney
DardanupTaya Fry Warren Jones Mary Smith Lions Club of Millbridge (Glen Huon Primary School - Breakfast Club)
DenmarkGary Schwabb Karen Andersson Kwoorabup Community Markets
Derby/West KimberleyLouise Albert Fred Russ Kerry Leamy Derby Rodeo Club
Donnybrook-BalingupGary Hodge Morrie Goodz Donnybrook Tennis Club
DundasValma Schultz 2021 Norseman NAIDOC Celebrations
NewmanMikeely WarrenerColin ReedNewman VETs
East PilbaraEmilja Kiernan Dennis Ward Lee - Anne Ugle East Pilbara BMX Club
EsperanceImogen Stone Ewin Stewart Janine Button Esperance Brass Band
FremantleAllie Messenger Philip Lansell Maureen Maher PortCare Inc
GinginChandler Mcminn Dot Branch Melanie Lockett Gingin Outdoor Activity Space Group
GnowangerupRobyn Crabbe St John Ambulance Gnowangerup
GosnellsShivani Panneri Trevor Drummond Clinton Phillips Gosnells Football and Sports Club
Greater GeraldtonBella Quartermaine Glenda Blyth Dianne Gilleland Marine Rescue Geraldton
MullewaHelen Byron Andrew Messina Sam Messina - 125 Year Celebrations
Brunswick JunctionKaye Ayre Julianne Hill Brunswick Agricultural Society Inc
Australind Thomas Cross Trish Rumball Emma Jamieson
BinningupSue Della
IrwinBeau M'Leane Trudy Wisewould Gavin Denton Dongara Men in Sheds
JoondalupLachlan Beveridge Janice Standen Alanagh Godderidge Joondalup Christmas Lunch
KatanningJayde Wolfe Colin Browne Alep Mydie Friends of Piesse Park
Koorda Colin Strahan Janet Brooks
KulinMary Lucchesi
KwinanaRobina Ellis Jacob Solomon Kwinana Arts Centre Management Committee
Lake GraceArthur Slarke Allan Marshall Lake Grace Creative Events
Lake King Terri Brownley
NewdgateLauren Shalders Blue Tree Project
MandurahDylan Higgins Gary Russell-Brown Jeremy Anderberg Mandurah Starfish Nippers
ManjimupTrinity Brickhill Kathy Dawson Julie Bettink & Brad Wren Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival
MelvilleLily Gresele Gwen Stagg David Milroy Applecross Town Team
MerredinMaddison Earl-Sadler Jane Patroni Tyler Winter Petticoat Lane
MorawaChayce Denham Clarice Jackman Paul & Sue Offszanka Morawa Farm Improvement Group
Mosman ParkIsabelle Cowie Patricia Fynmore Kahlie Lockyer
MurrayShenae Allen Patricia Briggs Margaret McBride North Dandalup Community Group Inc
NarembeenBrittany Duncan 51st Anniversary - Narembeen Netball Club
NarroginJayeisha Ford Evelyn White Peter Aitchison 2021 Narrogin Agricultural Show
NedlandsChristine Warnick
NorthamCaitlin Gray Denis Beresford Guy Mead Northam Youth in Emergency Services Cadets
Peppermint GroveGraham Dart Peter Iancov and Team 32
PerthAlexandra Kania Caroline Wood Craig Hollywood Kids Cancer Support Group (KCSG)
PerenjoriNathan Good & Jess Reading Perenjori Agricultural Society
PlantagenetJohn Howard The Kendenup Book Committee
Port Hedland Kohbi Barrow Rachel Mullins HATch - Hedland Amateur Theatre
RavensthorpeRosemary Jasper
RockinghamMadelyn Ball Betty West Amber Bates
Serpentine JarrahdaleLuke Newman Charles Kerfoot Jeanette Booth RUOK? Planting Day and Morning Tea (Landcare SJ)
South PerthJack Johnston Veronica Lawrance David Mundy Manning Senior Citizens Centre
StirlingTara Lord Terry Connelly Vince Garreffa The Bend in the Road
SwanJosiah Dunjey & Taitha Huston Jan O'Shea Mandy Mountfort Bullseye Youth Committee Bullseye Centre & Woodbridge Riverside Parkrun
Three SpringsClayton Dennis Three Springs Wildflower Show and Art Exhibition
ToodyayHannah Morrison Max Heath Jeffery Venn Toodyay Friends of The River
Victoria PlainsPeter MeteAnnemarie Byrne-O'Neill Calingiri Football, Netball and Hockey Clubs
Victoria ParkEmily Nikoletti Beverley Fabb Samuel Cornish Support Our Strip
WaginMaurice Becker Coral Davies
WaroonaNoel Dew Waroona Agricultural Society
West ArthurGeraldine King Vanessa Cuthbert Darkan CWA
Westonia Arthur (Bill) Price
WoodanillingSerenity Shackley Russel ThomsonMatthew MouldenKenmare Hall Community
Wyndham East KimberleyPamelia BarrettMark & Sheree Timms Ord Valley Country Women's Association
YorkPat & Bruce McGregor Jenny Garroun Greenhills Progress Association Inc

Principal Partner

Government of Western Australia Department of Communities

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Proudly presented in partnership with Local Councils across Western Australia

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Assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council

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