2023 Community Citizen of the Year Award Recipients

Take a look at some of our 2023 recipients

As we receive photos of our recipients, they will be uploaded to the photo Gallery here. Please check for updates.

CouncilCommunity CitizenYoung Community CitizenSenior Community CitizenActive Citizenship (Group/Event)
AlbanyGeoffrey Bastyan Angus Bowles Robert Rees
ArmadaleMark Thompson Graeme Hart 2nd Chance Op Shop
Ashburton - Onslow Matt Bishop Deagan McLean
Ashburton - Pannawonica James Gorman
Ashburton - ParaburdooIvan Dias Kieran Boatwright Darryl Gnezdiloff Paraburdoo Men's Shed
Ashburton - Tom PriceNicole Kelly Jack Watson Tom Price Emergency Services Cadet Corporation
Bayswater Sue Fletcher Lucy Rule Timothy O'Brien Perth Homelessness Support Group Inc.
BoddingtonTrudy Bryant Abby Metcalf Dennis Veitch Boddington Hospital Auxiliary
Bridgetown-Greenbushes Santo Pratico Katie Davies Jennie Linto Bridgetown Greenbushes Combined Fire Brigades
Broome Kate Garstone Moira Greenhalgh Chris Malone (Skate Rats)
Busselton Marshall Grosse Delys Elaine Forrest
Busselton - Dunsborough Joshua Whiteland
Carnarvon Cherie Sibosado Rena Abreu John Tomkins Carnarvon Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service
Chitteirng Liz Coles Zac Camiller CWA Bindoon Belles
Cockburn Serena Gamble James Wild Serene Anderson Yangebup Family Centre
Coorow Kelvin Bean Maxine Kau Coorow Country Women's Association
Coorow - Green Head Geoffrey Angwin Bill Kenworthy Green Head Coast Care
Coorow - Leeman Alice Walker Leeman Townscape and Tourism Group
Corrigin Steven Bolt Kimberley McLeary
Cottesloe Shane McGurk
Cue Ian Dennis Jenni Dennis St John Ambulance Sub Centre
Cunderdin Cunderdin Mission and Opportunity Shop
Dandaragan Adam Mackay
Dardanup Ashlea Bluett Raya Noonan Dardanup Heritage Collective
Derby/ West Kimberley Anthony Collard Paris Miller Vivienne Welch CWA Soup Kitchen Derby
Donnybrook Balingup Benjamin Anderson Geoffrey McMullen
Dundas Kylie Tibbles David Pascoe Norseman Today Newspaper
East Pilbara - Marble Bar Jessica Jenkins Judy Dewing Marble Bar VFES
East Pilbara - Newman Connie Reed Colin Reed Newman Vets Football Club
Esperance Meredith Waters Dane HoldmanVeronica Lavars Esperance Care Services
Exmouth St John Ambulance Exmouth Sub Centre
Exmouth Grace Keast Exmouth Haunted House/Learmonth Solar Observatory Staff & Crew
Fremantle Diane Brennan
Fremantle Leighton Bradfield Talei Williams Paula Amaral Kidogo Irish Aboriginal Festival - Joanna Robertson
Gingin Debbie Jordaan Wendy Nottle The Yarning Circle Koorunga CWA Branch
Gnowangerup Kingsley Vaux Gnowangeurp Containers for Change Edith Robertson
Gosnells Jawaria Mahmood Samuel Thomas Dorothy Burke Forest Lakes Thornlie Family Centre
Greater Geraldton Nicholas Austin Hannah Miles Karen Giles Marina Parkrun
Greater Geraldton - Mullewa Anthony Critch John Peet
Harvey William Russell
Harvey - BrunswickLyndon Edwards Brunswick Junction Men's Shed
Harvey - Leschenault Karen McCarthy
Harvey - AustralindGreg Campbell Gillian Dober
Harvey - CookernupColin Beauchamp
Irwin Jim Phillips Raine Jeffery Graeme Roberts Dongara Osprey Girl Guides – Kylie Wynne
Joondalup Snezhana Stacey Elouise Syers Simon Walker Sweet Melodies
Kalamunda Bryzlyn Sin Barry Nicholls
Kalamunda Amelie Farrell Norma Walsh
Katanning Katanning Environmental Container Cash In
Katanning Moolay Ta Loh Dorothy and Vince Cacciola Katanning & Districts Pool Association
Kellerberrin Monica Gardiner Harrison Gardiner Rose Bowen A Night of Colour
Koorda Marissa Chandler
Kulin Donald Bradford Janet Colbourne
Lake Grace Bradley Watson Phyllis Dunham Lake Grace-Pingrup Football Club 100 Years Celebration
Lake Grace - Newdegate Melissa Cugley Newdegate Machinery Field Days 50 Years Celebrations
Lake Grace - Newdegate Stephanie Clarke-Lloyd Newdegate Historical Society Centenary Celebrations 2022
Mandurah Natasha Upcott Baylee Freitag Kaye Seeber Marine Rescue Mandurah
Manjimup Jodi Johnston Regan Marsh Lynn Minchin Rotary Club of Manjimup
Melville Irina Bradley Jack Anderson Lawrie Carr The Volunteers of Bottle Top Hill
Merredin Jaden Willis Wildflower Society of Western Australia Merredin Branch
Morawa Leonie Aspin Peter Sweeney Motown Community Shed
Mosman Park Hengky Pratama Ruth Lilly Wellington Wishes
Murray Trevor Delaporte Noah Tippett Carl Duxbury Pinjarra Community Men's Shed
Narembeen Catherine (Lucy) Lines Narembeen Town Team
Narrogin Pip Porter Dakota Bolton-Black Coral Mahony Narrogin Volunteer Bushfire Brigades
Nedlands Neville Blesing
Northam Lisa Giorgi Joshua Patrick Elaine Pollard Turn Up In Blue
Peppermint Grove Gwenyth Elaine Lennon
Peppermint Grove Anthony Wayne Lennon Cottesloe Primary School P&C 125th Anniversary Fair
Perenjori Leah Curtin Kevin Varischetti Shape
Perth Megan Krakouer Sian Williams Jim Morrison Short Back and Sidewalks
Plantagenet George Corke Robert Clarke Mount Barker Tourism
Ravensthorpe Marcia NorrishPam Finn Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show
Rockingham Lily Tyler
Rockingham Claire Willans Luke Tammen Laurie SmithTeam Fred
Serpentine Jarrahdale Julie Richards Reece Jerrett Judy Curtis Serpentine Jarrahdale Food and Farm Alliance
South Perth Sarah Yates Emily Lassam Peter Cole Friends of South Perth Wetlands
Stirling Kate Miller Scott Guerini Jean Jolley Motion by the Ocean
Swan Pedus Eweama Helen Maher Cracovia Club Inc
Three Springs Gemma Mclevie Cathy Reed
Toodyay Sandra Cousins Kyla Browne Desrae and Wayne Clarke Toodyay District High School Parents & Citizens Assocation
Victoria Plains Gary Manning
Wagin Brenden Hall Grace Williams
Waroona Jenny McNamara Marion Herkes Waroona Men's Shed
Wyalkatchem Jay Hammond Shirly Maitland Wyalkatchem Rodeo
Wyndham East Kimberley Amanda McLean Scott Gore-Birch Rada Biorac Kununurra Neighbourhood House
York Margaret Collins Dawn Ainsworth The York Agricultural Society - The York Show

Principal Partner

Government of Western Australia Department of Communities

Media Partners

Proudly presented in partnership with Local Councils across Western Australia

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Assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council

Australia Day